The EpiQair engine is fully scalable because of its friction-free rotary displacement design. It is therefore capable of being configured for any applications currently available to all types and sizes of Internal Combustion Engines.

Early application areas currently under consideration are static engine applications for power generation as distributed power for data centres and for powering machines in deep level mining. In both these application areas EpiQair innovation is particularly attractive:
a) because it delivers clean, cool air as a bi-product and
b) because liquid air for use in the engine can be produced locally with Epicam compressor/expander technology in scalable liquefaction systems, using locally available sustainable energy from wind or photo-voltaic (PV) solar sources. In this way, secure, continuous power supply for data centres can be entirely independent of the national grid and will operate at zero marginal cost once the capital cost has been recovered from grid power savings.
Motive power applications are planned for near-term implementation. These will span the entire range of vehicular transport applications on land and water. They will utilise liquid air and liquid nitrogen currently available and distributed nationally by current industrial scale producers. A network of local liquid air production is also planned to grow and supplement these sources.
The most rapid growth in the wind power industry is currently occurring in floating wind power developments. It is now clear that floating wind power facilities can be established in a wide range of oceanic locations which could support local production and storage of liquid air energy. We believe this could be used to provide power for a wide range of shipping. E.g., A 30 MW marine propulsion system powered by EpiQair engines could provide a range of 1,000 miles for a large container vessel travelling at 20 knots with 5,000 tons of liquid air.